Advocate For children

Advocate For Children

Every day, all over the world, unjust and unfair policies, systems, practices and attitudes force millions to live in poverty. Young girls are pulled from school and forced into early marriages; children are forced to work in dangerous conditions. Street children are one of the most marginalized populations. They face systemic discrimination, are at a much higher risk of being harmed and are denied a voice.

Despite the high level of support for the United Nations Convention on the rights the child since its adoption in 1989, street children continue to be left behind. To counteract this, CSC led a global campaign for authoritative United Nations guidance making it explicit that street children have the same rights as every other child and instructing governments on how to take action. In 2017, this landmark guidance was finally published by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. It is called General Comment No. 21(2017) on Children in Street Situations, and it is the first United Nations document to explicitly give street children a voice.

The General comment is summarized into a 4-step plan so Governments around the world can enact their own plans for how they will ensure safety and protection for street-connected children:

Global Support for Kids Initiative (GSK Initiative) works to empower communities to know and to speak up for their rights at local, national and international levels. In situations where such community-led advocacy is not possible, Global Support for Kids Initiative (GSK Initiative) takes the voices of those living in poverty to those decision-makers with the power to change unjust policies and practices.

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Active education

Providing vital information regarding available resources to meet their needs, including education, health and other support services

Essential provision

Providing food, clothing, hygiene products, blankets and other comfort items.

professional counceling

Harm reduction counseling to address the risk associated with street life.

Advocate for children by promoting the right to live in safe and nurturing environments, so that all children can grow up healthy, happy, and thriving.

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