Day Of The African Child

Day Of The African Child

The Day of the African Child is commemorated every year on 16th June by Member states of the African Union (AU), and its partners (in accordance with Resolution CM/Res. 1290 (XL). This occasion is firstly a commemoration to recall the 1976 uprisings in Soweto, when a protest by school children in South Africa against apartheid-inspired education resulted in the public killing of these unarmed young protesters by police officials.

The Day of the African Child further presents an opportunity to focus on the work of all actors committed to the rights of children on the continent, to consolidate their efforts in addressing the obstacles for realizing these rights. The Day of the African Child also provides an occasion for Governments, International Institutions and Communities to renew their on-going commitments towards improving the plight of marginalized and particularly vulnerable children by organizing activities aimed at including these specific children.

Since 2010, Global Support for Kids Initiative have joined the whole world in celebrating the day of the African Child in honor of the school children that lost their lives in the uprising in Soweto, South Africa.



active education

Providing vital information regarding available resources to meet their needs, including education, health and other support services

Essential provision

Providing food, clothing, hygiene products, blankets and other comfort items

professional counseling

Harm reduction counseling to address the risk associated with street life.

years of experience
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be a part of our mission to liberate vulnerable children and provide education, counsel and more