Child abuse has become an escalating phenomenon that poses a great risk to the general development of children from every walk of life which has refused to be eradicated over the years. Various forms of child abuse exist. They include: child neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Studies worldwide have shown that all forms of child abuse are indeed a serious international crime which requires adequate attention and intervention.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the convention on the right of the child. This convention respects the child as a human being with personal dignity and rights. The child is seen internationally as a person of intrinsic worth entitled to respect equal to the rights enjoyed by every adult. However, this child right law has not been fully implemented, especially in many homes and local communities.
Most especially in rural areas, there are many local communities where the inhabitants are less informed and uneducated about child right. Many of these people use children for labour, begging for alms and hawking. These acts, most times, are borne out of ignorance and poverty by many of them, hence the need to educate them through a sensitization programme.
The program is set to create awareness on child abuse, educate the public on the evils of child abuse to the child and to the community at large and ensure the implementation of child right law in local communities.