GSK Initiative Nigeria Empowers Two Street-Connected Children with Vocational Training

In pursuit of our mission at GSKi, which involves actively engaging with children, valuing their opinions, and promoting their interests, we are thrilled to announce the enrolment of two street-connected children, Abeeb and Hamid, in a vocational training program of their choice. These young individuals at one of the psychosocial supports organized by GSKi Nigeria for children in street situation approached our initiative, expressing a keen interest in acquiring skills that would enhance their lives.

Abeeb and Hamid among numerous of these children who had been under the care and supervision of GSKi for some months, found themselves on the streets due to worsening circumstances at home. Recognizing the urgent need to address their situation, on the 11th January 2024, we facilitated their enrolment for skill acquisition at Akin-olugbade Abattoir in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Here, they will acquire the skills of slaughtering and selling of cows.

GSK initiative calls for collective action. We believe that everyone has the power to make a positive impact. We urge you to join us in supporting or donating to GSK INITIATIVE NIGERIA, enabling us to reach more street-connected children and provide them with opportunities for a better life.

Let us come together and make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children. Your support can help break the cycle of homelessness and empower them with the skills they need to build a brighter future.

Protection of children is supposed to be a collective responsibility and it will not be out of order if this is seen to be done for us to have a secured environment as we would want for ourselves and our children including the in-coming generation.

Let’s not just make resolutions that we shall need to support these children, but let’s make revolutions. Let’s shake things up with kindness towards these children, challenge the ordinary with creativity which is what GSKi Nigeria has decided to do, by helping some of them to develop their God’s given talents, and re-write the rules of rejection shown towards majority of the children in street situation with compassion.

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