12-Year-Old Al-Ameen Transforms His Life through Vocational Training

In the streets of Lafenwa, Abeokuta, Ogun State, a remarkable story of determination unfolds as a 12-year-old Al-Ameen took charge of his destiny. Haven’t navigated the challenges of street life since early age of 9years, Al-Ameen has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration for other children of his age facing similar circumstances.

Despite the adversities of street life, Al-Ameen has always been actively involved in the Initiative activities aimed at supporting children in street situation. It was during one of the these activities in January 2024, that Al-Ameen expressed his desire to learning a vocation, specifically the arts of repairing and sharpening of the mouth of grinding machines. This declaration of his, without being forced, brought joy and renewed hope that what the Initiative was designed for will certainly be realized.

During the listening session we had with Al’ameen, he didn’t hold anything back because he said he was sure he may not be able to make anything out of life if he attended a conventional school. He said he has been to school settings and he never felt comfortable for a moment; and he had seen other children of his age who are doing well in their various vocational trainings. He said the death of his father did not help his situation at all. More so now that his mother is married to another man who though, is standing as a father figure to him and his other 2 siblings has not helped either because the economy of his mother and her new husband is nothing to write home about, hence his determination to leave home for the street because the whole family now live in a room (the mother, the new husband, Al’ameen, and his other 2 siblings).

In response to his aspirations, the initiative took decisive action and facilitated Al’meen’s enrollment at a workshop in Bode/Ibeerekodo Market (Abeokuta North Local Government Area) where the kind of vocation he was interested in is being practiced. This exemplified the organization’s commitment in listening to, avoid discountenancing children’s views, and nurturing their interests. This is a testament to the Initiative’s guiding principles, which prioritize the holistic development and empowerment of every child they work with.

Through dedicated mentorship and collection of progressive minds at the vocational center, Al’ameen is not only learning a valuable skill but also gaining confidence and a sense of responsibility, guidance, and community support in the empowerment of young individuals to overcome adversities of life and achieve great things.

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