OLAWALE PELUMI, a street boy was transversed into a young entrepreneur by an organization whose focus is to make positive differences in children lives.
Pelumi, a 15years old boy was rescued from the street of lafenwa, Abeokuta Ogun state. He was found striving for survival on a daily basis at his tender age whereby experiencing struggles and oppressions, maltreatment, exploitation and violence on the streets. GSKinitiative rescued him by engaging him with interactive talks and psychosocial activities to make him feel loved in the society, counselling session and moral talk to enlighten him on his rights as a child.

Through this continuous field work activities, pelumi realized his purpose and determine to secure his future in the year 2021 by sharing his interest in learning a vocational trade (barbing). GSKinitiative supported by enrolling him into NEW LOOK BARBING SALON on the 27th of September 2021 with necessary bills being footed by the initiative, appropriate follow up and evaluation on his commitment through which his home tracing and re-integration was done by the organization and his family were greatly excited to see their child back after a thorough search.

OLAWALE PELUMI will be graduating on the 16th of December 2022 as a professional barber with gskinitiative full support, his lovely family, community actors, officers of law and the presence of great people with passion for children to blessthejoyfulday. ‘’what a transformed life indeed’’